Nanyang Technological University, Singapore develops LED lighting purification air

The research team at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore developed the first LED-driven indoor air purifier to eliminate up to 95% of harmful gases in the office or home in four hours, thereby improving the air quality inside the building.

At present, the removal of suspended particulates is mainly a particulate air filter, but it cannot "capture" harmful gases; there are two methods for dealing with harmful gases, one is activated carbon and the other is ultraviolet air purifier.

However, both methods have drawbacks. Activated carbon only absorbs harmful gases rather than decomposes them. If it is not regularly replaced, it will become another source of pollution. Ultraviolet air purifiers are expensive, consume electricity, and ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin. Compared with ultraviolet light, LED lighting has many advantages. It does not damage the skin, it consumes only about one-sixth of the ultraviolet light, and it is much cheaper.

Indoor hazardous gases are collectively referred to as “volatile organic chemicals” and are generally emitted from wall paints, new furniture, building materials or carpets. They are particularly high in new buildings or buildings that have just been renovated, and long-term exposure may endanger health, such as Eyes, nose and throat are irritated and can even cause headaches, nausea and discomfort.

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